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Can I return items on ReFlash'd?

Every seller is required to have a return policy. However, because sellers are free to set their own return guidelines, these return policies can vary. If, for instance, you would like to initiate a return because you’ve changed your mind and no longer wish to keep your item, you must check your seller’s return policy first. If your request is not covered by their return policy, you can still reach out to the seller with your issue, but it is not guaranteed that they will accept your return.


If your item arrived damaged or not-as-described, you are eligible for a full refund, regardless of the seller’s return policy. Inspect your item(s), take photos, and contact the seller right away. 

The seller is required to respond within three business days with a resolution. In some cases, they may offer you a partial refund, which you can choose to accept or reject. Otherwise, a damaged or not-as-described item can be returned, and the seller is responsible for paying for any return shipping costs, including the shipping label. To learn more about returning damaged items, click here.

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