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What if my package is delayed, lost, or damaged?

If your item is delayed, lost, or damaged, there are several actions you can take to resolve the situation.

Delayed Packages

If your package has not arrived by the estimated delivery date, try to locate the shipment using the tracking number provided by the seller. The carrier will list any shipping updates and/or expected delays on their tracking page. Please note: due to the COVID pandemic, there have been significant delays with shipments across all carriers.

If your package has not arrived within 30 days of the estimated delivery date, please contact the seller immediately. They must resolve your issue within three business days by either: locating the package and providing a delivery update, or issuing you a full refund. If the seller does not resolve your issue within three business days, contact us at so we can help.

Lost Packages

If you think your package has been lost, contact the seller immediately. The seller is required to file a claim with the carrier. If the carrier confirms that the package has been lost, the seller must issue you a refund within three business days. If they do not, contact us at so we can help.

Damaged Items

If your item does not arrive as described or is damaged on arrival, you may be eligible for a refund. Inspect your item(s), take photos, and contact the seller right away. The seller is required to respond within three business days with a resolution. 

After speaking with the seller, you may decide to:

Initiate a Return

If you received a damaged or not-as-described item, you can return it for a full refund.

  1. The seller will be responsible for any return shipping charges. They will create and send a shipping label to you.

  2. Make sure that all items are unused and packed in the condition they were received. Damage sustained during return shipping may be deducted from your refund.

  3. You must return your package within seven business days. If you miss this deadline, please contact the seller immediately.

  4. Once the seller receives your package, they have two business days to issue your refund. Please note: once your refund has been issued by the seller, your payment provider may take longer to process the transaction. If the refund has not gone through after a few days, be sure to contact PayPal or your credit/debit card provider. 

Accept a Partial Refund

In some cases, the seller may offer you a partial refund. This option may be appropriate if, for example, you would like to keep a damaged or not-as-described item. If you decide to accept a partial refund, the seller has two business days to issue your refund.

Do you still need help? Contact us at