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Seller's Refund Policy

In order to sell items on ReFlash’d, every seller must have a refund policy. However, it is up to you (the seller) to decide the terms of your policy. For example, you can choose to have a 7-day, 14-day, or 30-day policy on all, or some, items. You can also choose whether you want to cover the cost of return shipping, or whether you want the customer to do that. Whatever you choose, be sure to clearly describe your refund policy in all of your listings.

However, there are some exceptions to the aforementioned. Please read the following exclusions carefully:

Delayed Packages

If a customer has not received their package within 30 days of the estimated delivery date, they must contact you immediately. You will have three business days to either: locate the package and provide a delivery update, or issue the customer a full refund. 

Lost Packages

If a customer believes that their package is lost, they must contact you immediately. If the package is lost, then you are responsible for filing a claim with the carrier. If the carrier confirms that the package has been lost, you are required to issue a refund to your customer within three business days.

Damaged Items

If a customer receives items that are damaged on arrival or are not-as-described, the seller is responsible for resolving this issue immediately. You can offer the customer a partial refund—in some cases, this may be an appropriate solution. However, if the customer does not accept a partial refund and decides to initiate a return for a full refund, the seller must comply and accept the return request. The seller will also be responsible for covering the cost of shipping and must provide the customer with a return shipping label. Once you receive the return package, you have two business days to issue a refund to your customer.

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