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How to cancel an order

If you decide to cancel an order after you’ve submitted payment, you can Dispute the transaction as long as the order has not shipped and the order has not been Marked Completed. Keep in mind that if you dispute an order, you will not be issued a refund automatically. It is up to the seller to decide whether the order can be cancelled, and only the seller can issue you a refund.

How to cancel an order that has not been approved by the seller

  1. Go to your inbox and locate the order you would like to cancel. If the order has not been approved by the seller, immediately Write a Reply asking the seller to decline the transaction. The more information you provide in this message, the better.
  2. If the seller approves your request, they will decline the transaction and the funds that were reserved from your credit card or PayPal account will be posted back to your payment method.
  3. If the seller rejects your request, you can contact so we can review the dispute, but please note that we cannot guarantee that a refund will be issued to you.

How to cancel an order that has been approved by the seller

  1. Go to your inbox and locate the order you would like to cancel. If the order has been approved by the seller, they will begin to fulfill the order and ship it to you. By this point, you will have the option to mark the order as completed or to dispute it. In this case, you will click on the Dispute button.
  2. Leave a detailed message explaining your reasons for disputing the transaction. After submitting this information, the seller will be notified immediately.
  3. The seller will have the opportunity to resolve the dispute by either: attempting to address and fix your concerns, or by issuing you a refund. However, please remember that this decision is made at the discretion of the seller. 
  4. If the seller chooses to accept the dispute, the transaction will be cancelled and your payment will be returned to you.
  5. If the seller rejects your request, you can contact so we can review the dispute, but please note that we cannot guarantee that a refund will be issued to you.

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